
Showing posts from October, 2008

Sleep Measuring Tools

The following instruments are used by scientists to measure sleep in humans. 1. EEGs (electroencephalograms) - This machine is used by the scientists to study electrical changes in the brain through electrodes and the data is represented by graphs as per their frequencies and termed as ‘waves’. 2. EOGs (electrooculograms) - The scientists use electrodes on the skin near the eye to measure changes in voltage as the eye rotates in its socket. 3. EMGs (electromyograms) - The scientists when using this technique, place electrodes on the skin overlaying a muscle. In practice, EEGs, EOGs, and EMGs are recorded simultaneously on continuously moving chart paper or digitized by a computer and displayed on a high-resolution monitor. This allows the relationships among the three measurements to be seen immediately and the studying these data scientists decipher the sleeping pattern in human beings. Five stages of sleep 1. First Stage - In this stage eye and muscle movements are slow. ...

Process of sleep in humans

Human beings spend one third of their life sleeping. Hence it is a behavioral state that is natural for all individuals. Prior to 1950 it was believed that a person’s body and mind is shut up when sleeping. But later intensive scientific research carried out by various scientists proved that various parts of our brain remain active even when we are asleep. Sleep is an activity not an option. A person deprived of sleep often suffers from lack of concentration, memory loss, fatigue, depression and as a consequence emotional instability. Hence it is important to gather scientific information about changes that occur in the body during sleep and how those changes affect our ability to move and behave rationally. Why do we fall asleep? The scientific explanation which gives the reason of sleeping is that through out the day a chemical called adenosine is accumulated in the human beings. It makes people feel more and more tired. Once a person goes to sleep this adenosine breaks down. Moreo...

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep

One of the most important processes that your baby has to go through is getting enough sleep. However, this does not happen all the time. Parents, especially the new ones, are often suffering from sleep deprivation because their babies are always awake during the wee hours of the day. Their babies are often agitated, and most of the time, parents do not have any idea for their behavior. What do you do when it is difficult to get your baby to sleep? Are you one of the clueless parents who would love your child to sail off the seas in dreamland so that you can finally rest on your own as well? Here are some proven methods on how to get your baby to sleep in no time. First, make sure that you limit the sleep that your baby gets in the daytime. Keep him busy during the day by spending time with him by playing around. Playing with your baby also ensures that he would get some exercise to keep his body in shape. Once you keep your baby busy during the day, he will have a good night’s sleep,...

WEB MD Sleep Expert Explains the Reality of Sleep Disorders Part II

Kevin: Well, that's fantastic. I must get into that. [Laughs] Dr. Breus: Absolutely. Some people like to know what are some of these big problems that everybody's talking about. So, first of all, about fifty-three percent of people say that they often wake up not feeling refreshed. Thirty-six percent of people say they have trouble falling back to sleep. And then just thirty-one percent of people say they just can't fall asleep in general, [just] insomnia, is what we call it. Again, kind of interesting but more often than not, people are saying it's not the falling asleep, even though a third of people have a problem with that, it's the staying asleep. Kevin: Okay. Dr. Breus: That seems to really get to them. Kevin: Okay. Dr. Breus: Now, the other thing that's kind of fascinating is looking at who has these problems. Believe it or not, women have a tendency to report sleep problems more than men do. Now, I think there are a couple of different reasons for ...

WEB MD Sleep Expert Explains the Reality of Sleep Disorders

This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at ( ) . In this excerpt, Dr. Michael Breus shares on reality of sleep and sleep disorders. The Fountain of Youth World Summit with Dr. Michael Breus, the author of Good Night and Web MD's sleep expert. Kevin: I think it's going to be an awesome talk. And as many people out there know already, I like to get right into it. So let's start talking about sleep. I know you have some facts and you have some numbers. Let's start talking about them. Dr. Breus: Oh yeah. Let's get right into it. One of the things that's really pretty fascinating, Kevin, is just how many people are reporting any symptom of a sleep problem. If you look back at the National Sleep Foundation data from 2000, you'll see that roughly sixty-two percent of the overall population was reporting a problem. But now in 2005, this is still data that's two year...