
Showing posts from November, 2008

Getting Sleep Naturally - Natural Sleep Aids

A good night sleep can make all the difference to your day. It has been proven that people who have an uninterrupted sleep perform at the peak level of efficiency. Taking natural sleep aids, can help you sleep quickly and enable you to get a good night sleep, so that you feel fresh and charged up the next day. It is true that some people have no problem getting the right sleep but then there are people who can never get proper sleep no matter how tired they are. Lack of sleep can make a person feel tired, groggy and irritable. Muscle aches, headaches and blurred vision are common symptoms of a bad night sleep. Individuals who do not get proper sleep on a regular basis often complain that they are unable to focus and think clearly in situations where they have to concentrate on critical and analytical reasoning. They also complain of mental exhaustion and depression. Doctors often prescribe the use of Ambien and Lunesta to aid sleep, but these medications are not without side effects....

Sleep Aids and Medications For Insomnia

There are many instances in which behavioral and environmental changes aren't effective at treating or curing insomnia. There are also times when insomnia sufferers simply don't wish to try these other types of treatments and cures. Fortunately for those individuals, several effective sleep aids and medications are available. If taken correctly and only as needed for short periods of time, prescription medications need not cause any problems with addiction. That's good news especially since sleep medications are the most common treatment for insomnia. Medications to treat insomnia are available by prescription and over-the counter. To obtain a prescription, you of course need to be under the care of a physician. This is actually wise since effective treatment begins with a firm diagnosis and an identification of any underlying causes for the insomnia. For example, if insomnia turns out to be a symptom of depression or anxiety, the patient will fare better when given a pres...

Dental Treatments for Sleep Apnea

There are many different ways to treat sleep apnea ranging from medicines, facial masks, and dental treatments. But before you can treat it, you must understand what sleep apnea is. The simple definition of sleep apnea is the disruption of breathing while you are asleep. The disorder affects the sleep of thousands of people each night and can become a very serious problem if gone untreated; it can even become life threatening. Generally, sleep apnea goes virtually undiagnosed as 90% of those who actually have the disorder do not even know it simply because they do not remember not being able to breathe in their sleep. There are many different symptoms associated with sleep apnea however the most frequent factor is the cessation of breathing during sleep. People suffering from sleep apnea also may choke or gasp during sleep to draw in breath, experience loud snoring, awake suddenly to restart breathing, sweat frequently through the night, experience headaches, sore throat, or dry mouth...